
Guide to being an Encore Rewards Affiliate

Help, tools and guides for Encore Affiliates to help them succeed


Merchant admin panel

In the Encore Rewards admin panel, Merchants can access all the information about their business. They can edit it directly and it will update in the Encore Rewards app immediately.
In the Dashboard screen (shown here) they can see the overall Encore Rewards statistics for their business. Monthly statistics on how many sales, how many mobile app profile visits, how many visits at their establishment location, and how many added them as a favorite. They can also access the main settings, their user reviews and profile completeness – how many, if any, fields they can still fill out to make their business profile complete.

Login area for Merchants:

  • Image
    InFlight Dubai
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    Bristol Charter
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    Al Maidan Motorcycle Rental
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    Dubai Dolphinarium
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    Al Hoot Floating Restaurant
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    Airmaniax Dubai
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    Dubai Ice
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    Artistic Trendz

The Encore Rewards Merchant screen

This is the Merchant profile page in the Encore Rewards app. First, we see the square main image, then name and teaser line, the category and any reviews the Merchant might have.

Then the minimum order amount is showing, followed by the options, amenities, facilities etc. for the business.

Below that, we have the 4 different discount levels. The current tier level for the member will be highlighted in yellow and the others will be grey. Once a customer wants to redeem a discount, we use the REDEEM NOW button.

The Merchant profile page also shows the business description, location, gallery images and more.

Document and file library


Affiliate Quick Guide

Quick guide to starting as an Affiliate

Affiliate Start-up Guide

10-Step Start-up guide for Affiliates

Merchant Redeem Guide

Quick guide to the Merchant Partner Redeem process

Affiliate Intro video

Quick intro to the Encore Rewards Affiliate Program

Merchant intro video

Quick intro to the Merchant benefits of Encore Rewards