
About us

Too many choices today

Today people have so many choices when they go out, whether they go to restaurants, bars, salons, hairdressers, barbers, kids activities, fitness, spa’s and many other businesses – the options are so many. And even if they do visit YOUR business, the chances of them coming back - with all these options out there - are very small.

The solution

Luckily Encore has a solution for that. With our innovative, easy-to-understand, dynamic discount platform, guests now have a very good reason to come back to your business. Our rewards program empowers you to offer an instant, increasing discount that goes up every time they come back to your place – within 14 days, that is. Good for them, because their discount increases. Good for you, because they come back (and maybe they bring their family or friends with them).

How does it work?

Sign up for Encore and list your business. Then, you choose the discount percentage for each level. Say you want to give 10% to Bronze members, 20% to Silver members, 30% to Gold members and 40% to Platinum members.

Flexible like Encore

You decide the discount percentage, set the level that suits your business. We’ll be happy to help you balance the numbers, so the guests feel incentivized and you get a healthy ROR – See, we believe in Return on Relationship. And yes, we do have statistics and graphs for it all.


What is Encore?

Encore is a unique, instantly increasing discount program. Guests/customers who support the venue they keep frequenting, should be rewarded, shouldn't they? And the venues are happy to reward their loyal guests and customers.

This is what Encore facilitates. Join now, and start building to get increasing discounts.

Are you running a restaurant, a salon, a spa, a barber, a gym or any other business where you can benefit from returning revenue - read more here.


Who developed Encore?

For the past 10 years, the Danish/Canadian UAE-based team behind Encore have been a global provider of cutting-edge IT products for improving customer engagement.

Now, we bring you a product that will modernize your marketing strategy and engage new & existing customers with the use of personalized content. Encore is a technologically advanced system that allows you to create and execute successful loyalty programs with ease.

Supporting both B2C and B2B operators, Encore utilizes the latest Machine Learning mechanisms to help you identify individual patterns in your guests' behavior and provide them offers that are perfectly in line with their preferences.